John Ellis....your reading these, or your not very smart. Your dishonest, but not stupid. Read this and I will go away!
Dear John,
I bet by now, you wish I'd go away. How much have I cost you (I know how busy you are). I have to tell you, I'm a young guy with the time and money to keep you on these blogs FOREVER, and will do so.
Give me my money back for the promises you made about your machine, and I will go away, and stop posting and investigating you and your less then honest buisness practise. I'll send you the machine, but I want my cash first, its a trust issue by now.
If not, then I will continue to tell the TRUTH about you, and others will tell their stories of their dealings with you, and hence, you lose more money.
You know very well who I am, and how to send back the 1700