Dear Bludini-Thank you so much for saving me $1700 (I didn't have it anyway) & from the guilt of not being able to provide myself or my loved ones the "latest, greatest health-giving product available to mankind!" I first saw the ad for John E.' water machine in Discovery magazine a few months ago. I saw the price & put it aside, knowing it was far out of reach. Just today, I came across the ad again & checked out the website-I read all the hype & then got to the order page to see if the price had gone down-and the words "NO REFUNDS" hit me like a ton of bricks! Big red flag there! Then another thought occured to me: if this machine could change the worlds' water supply, greatly benefiting every living thing & was so frightfully expensive, why weren't they offering it chiefly to city, state & federal governments worldwide? How can they expect the average person to afford it? I was about to write them with these very same questions when I happened upon this website & discovered this thread...Boy, am I glad I did! I read the first 50 or so posts & gathered much more info. Anyway, I was supposed to be writing out Christmas cards, so now I will be telling friends& family to "blame it on Bludini"-he was busy saving me big $$$, so that's why my cards are late! (It's ok-they won't believe me ) Anyway,Happy Holidays & Much Thanks to you! Sincerely, Lambchoppe