--Testimonials--Victum of Improving Health by these Free Truths being shared on this forum--
Well, I've been victimized by moreless' protocol.
I'm a -----victim of improving health--- that --NO DOCTOR--- I saw in the past
was able to help with. Not even a little.
Like I've always said. The proof is in the pudding. Test it, the protocol and
its ideas. Not with a bunch of 'theoretical' assertions of why you don't think
it works. Do it, and if it doesn't improve your health status, then move on to
something that does. Think of it as a lab project or a science fair project you
might have done in school. Record and review your data, and it would be clear
that moreless is not BS. Don't take my word for it. Prove it with action, not
Ever wonder why people who have been on this protocol or applying its idea for a
while stay on it for life?