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--Testimonials--Hypoglycemia gone--& answer
moreless Views: 35,405
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--Testimonials--Hypoglycemia gone--& answer

Hi moreless, long time no speak! Have changed my username as couldn't remember
any of my details and last computer packed up!

Hope you are well and still helping lots of people!

I am still on your low (meat based) protein diet and have not had recurrence of
hypoglycemia. Have made phenomenal changes in my life and my family's thanks to
advice on your forum.

I am currently in psycotherapy for treatment of long standing social anxiety
disorder (I have finished that bit now and I feel great)). We also established
my constipation is a stress response and have removed all thought related causes
- this has left us with what is basically a mood disorder relating to impaired

I tried to relay to him yesterday information you gave to me some time ago on
this forum but I couldn't remember the finer points and couldn't find the
original message.

You talked about the release of a particular acid (I think it began with the
letter H) during impaired protein digestion that floods the body and causes a
fight/flight response that can last up to 24 hours or longer depending on the
amount released. You described it in relation (i think) to nuts in particular. I
was amazed at the time at your incredibly accurate description of my mood change
and the nature of it (e.g, irritability etc) i have also found this mood change
to happen consistently when you predicted it would.

My therapist is very interested in this information as he treats people with
mood disorders regularly and would like to know more.

I am now undergoing hypnosis to help me kick my more unhealthy habits and help
me stabilize on the right diet since i have not been too careful when the
treatment for social anxiety disorder was so intense. (I know - eating the right
food would have made it less intense!).

Any info you can recall will be of great benefit - many thanks.

Robin 77 (jenloubee)

Answer to your questions:

Titled : Do "You" feel like a Tired Whipped ole horse ready to Die?--Adrenal system--

Hi Ya'll,

Cause and Effect !

For every Problem there is a Cause for it !

Do "YOU" have a Problem of Feeling Tired and Worn out ?

What happens when someone or something scares you ?

Does your body Tense up and do your muscles get tight ready for Fight or Flight

What happens when you get a Cramp in your foot or leg or toes, or for that
matter, what happens when your Heart muscles Tense up too much and Cause a Heart
Attack ?

Did you ever stop to consider what was Causing these things to take place ?

For there is "NOTHING" which happens without a Reason for it Happening !

What does this all have to do with the Adrenal system and Sodium and Potassium ?

Did you know that the Adrenal Glands produces Hormones and send out these to
Cause changes in our body Reactions according to the conditions we may Face of
either being Relaxed or Tensed up from being Happy or the opposite of which may
be Scared or Frightened or Mad or Angry ?

So, just what may Cause these Different conditions in the body to Happen when
our Brain may Sense a change in our condition of Mind set from being Positive to
becoming Negative in our thought patterns ?

Which came First, the chicken or the egg ?

In this case, what is required for the Adrenal System to Cause these changes to
take place in the body by the Different Hormones the Adrenal System may choose
to release in the body to control it's actions ?

Maybe it is the Sodium to Potassium ratios which I have made mention about many
times ?

For these may Cause the body to change it's Reactions, depending on which is in
charge or which the Adrenal System has choosen to utilize !

What do I mean by this ?

"IF" the body has enough of and the original Balance of the ratios of the Sodium
to the Potassium in the body, then the Adrenal System may have enough of either
to Cause the needed Reactions to any condition our body may be effected by, from
being Scared and Causing our muscles to Tense up, to being able to Relax
afterwards when the Danger has passed !

And the Reason for this may be that the Adrenal System may use the Sodium and
Potassium to Regulate the Osmotic Pressures in our body, Which has to do with
Regulating the pH of the body, and if one is in too short of a supply of either
the Sodium or Potassium, then the Adrenal System may not be able to do it's job
correctly and you may Feel like a Tired ole Whipped Horse !

Now in addition to the body needing this ratio between the Sodium and the
Potassium to be in correct ranges, so that the Adrenal system may do it's job
properly, the body "MUST" also have enough "Calcium" and "Magnesium" in correct
ratios to each other and these in correct ratios to the Sodium to Potassium !

For while the Sodium and Potassium may be used to control the Osmotic Pressure
in the Cell structure of the body, the body "MUST" have the Correct Ratios of
Calcium to Magnesium to provide for the body to have a Solid Base of operations

It may be looked at like in the Building industry, where "IF" you decide to
Build your house upon a Sand pile , instead of a Solid foundation of Clay or
Rock, that when the Rains come heavily, that the Sand may be washed out from
under you and your house may come tumbling down !

So, in the body,"IF" you do "NOT" supply your body with the Solid Foundation of
the Calcium to Magnesium ratios to provide Solid Bone structure and Solid
Tissue, then the Adrenal system may "NOT" be able to do your body any Good by
the action of utilizing the Sodium to Potassium ratios to change the Osmotic
Pressure when the body is supposed to be able to Relax or the body is supposed
to be ready for Fight or Flight !

For the Calcium and Magnesium may effect how the Muscles are able to Flex, from
being able to Relax to being able to tense up, and a shortage of either the
Calcium or Magnesium may Cause the Muscles to "NOT" be able to Relax !

And when the muscles can "NOT" relax, this is sometimes called a Cramp in your
muscles !

What is the Difference between a Cramp in you leg muscle and having a Cramp in
your Heart to Cause a Heart Attack ?

It is all about the Acid Alkaline pH Balancing Principles at work, as everything
in the whole universe may be controlled by these Princibles and there is
"NOTHING" which is not controlled by the Acid Alkaline pH Balancing Principles !

What are "YOU" going to do to Help your "OWN" Body Heal it's self ?

Are you going to make an effort to learn to supply your body with the needed
Alkaline Minerals , so that the bodies Different Glands , like the Adrenal
System may be able to do their job properly in Regulating the body functions to
keep your body Healthy ?

Smile Tis your choice.



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