--Testimonials--Benefits of Iodine & Alkalizing ideas for thought--
By Grz,
Not intended for debate... just for your FYI and food for thought.
I have read much on the elemental iodine issue. I have also done tons of
research over the almost 15 months I have been doing the alkalizing drink.
If you read ALL my past posts in this forum, you will find what it has done for
me... I think I even made the askmoreless.com testimonial page.
If you want to expand your knowledge, go to the alakline/acid debate forum and
read ALL my posts... I fought the good fight over there with tons of research
supporting the alkalizing (ML) protocol... some of it shared here in this forum
and scattered around through other forums.
Unfortunately, some of the latest and greatest posts were lost in the CZ crash a
little while back.
THEN, once you have done that, go through ALL my posts in the iodine forum. It
is hard not to get excited about something that looks to provide relief for
things like fibrocystic breasts, breast and prostate cancer, etc. The list is
seemingly endless... in addition to the "detox" of heavy metals, fluoride and
bromide. But, when all is said and done, we have heard that before with this
mineral/vitamin or that supplement.... a panacea.
I would like to note here that when Lugol's was (historically) widely used, it
was in a time when foods had many, many times more minerals in them than they do
now... pre-processed foods, pre pasteurization and homogenization, pre-refined
grains etc. etc. In other words the people taking Lugol's prescribed or
suggested by doctors, did so in a much more mineral rich and toxin free
environment than we have today.
Reading the iodine debate and support forums, you will come to see that I
supplemented with elemental iodine and I too had great results at first and then
plateaued. at one point, before the plateau, I quit taking the alkalizing drink
and felt worse... ML stated, if I remember correctly, that it was the difference
between elemental iodine with and without the accompanying alkaline minerals.
Read a post in the iodine debate forum I posted today. It seems to indicate that
calcium and vitamin D may also be needed for the thyroid to do its thing with
the iodine... these just a few of the other minerals and vitamins needed for
this process like selenium, zinc, copper, vitamin E, etc. Also pay attention to
the part where it suggests that chloride is goitrogenic... what is everyone
doing there? Salt loading (sodium chloride)... read it any way you like.
How the heck can we believe that we know what we need in the right ratios and
balance to achieve health when too much of one thing will offset the balance of
The other thing I would like to point out is nearly everyone seeing the best
results on iodine has been around curezone and/or has been cleansing and has
already made major lifestyle changes for the better. I am sure this has helped
them tolerate the therapeutic dosing as much as anything else.
Another thing to understand is the reduction and/or the elimination of caffeine
will help reduce fibrocystic breast pain and inflammation by itself; just ask my
wife and the nurses and doctors she works with.
Towards the end of my therapeutic dosing on iodine, I felt, three or four times
before taking a break, that I was over doing it... detox baths, mineral rich
foods etc. and I was still not feeling quite right, in some ways worse. Detox?
perhaps, I do not know; however I doubt it now.
When I discontinued the therapeutic dosing, I felt better than I had before the
orthoidiosupplementation began. Could I chalk this up to the elemental iodine OR
a steady improvement in my health due to the alkalizing protocol?
I do not know the definitive answer, but based upon my experience, I would say
that the alkalizing protocol was a big part of feeling better... although I do
think that the elemental iodine helped as well, but not to the extent of the
hype, for me anyway.
Once I experienced my iodine supplementation and subsequent crash and burn on
it... I posted a few posts in the iodine debate forum advising caution with the
protocol and suffered some opposition from some who strongly support the
therapeutic iodine supplementation.
Do I support iodine supplementation? Based on all the recent literature and the
seemingly good results some including my friends are receiving from it... yes I
do. Do I support it in therapeutic dosing (50mg and above) for anything but a
required medical reason... No. All I think this says is that we all have unique
needs... some may find benefit from it, others none, and still others harm,
dependent upon the current individuals health and place in life.
I would think that most people without any pressing health issues that would
indicate therapeutic dosing, would be fine with just a good clean high quality
kelp at 1 to 3 tablespoons a day...
I had excellent results from 3 tablespoons a day and am back to 2 presently. I
am also taking 1 to 2 drops of Lugol's a day with 1 to 2 days a week off. I know
many others on these forums, while not following the ML protocol to a tee, have
modified the protocol and have also benefited greatly from kelp.
I think Invincible said to me once that she had only found one person in her
kinesiology work that was found to need one drop of Lugol's a day... 1 drop. I
would think that if one were to believe they needed elemental, detoxified iodine
or atomidine for anything other than a pressing health issue (then see a doctor
who specializes in this therapy) reading Edgar Cayce's or Dr. Jarvis' protocols
and abiding by them paying close attention to your responses should be all that
is needed.
I am friends with many, good friends with one or two, on the iodine
supplementation bandwagon/train and I do not wish to debate the issue at all...
I think that ML has a very valid point AND I think the iodine supplementation
protocol has merit in SOME cases as well.
Did I make a mistake? I may have in not listening the first time my body said
enough is enough... I should have backed off then but was caught in the hype.
I post my thoughts here only for your review. I always try to write as honestly
as possible and give people the benefit of the doubt when I may not fully
understand their circumstances.
Also note that I did not take the iodine supplementation survey as I was not
just doing iodine supplementation and I could not tell what was really taking
effect when I was doing the protocol, as some of the benefit was a
quicker/speeder response to the benefits I had already experienced with the
alkalizing drink. Was the iodine responsible for this? Perhaps, I do not know.
You are welcome to use me and my experience as your guinea pig/rat whatever.
Also keep in mind that one mans poison is another mans food/medicine.
If you have questions or need clarification on anything as you read through my
posts, I will try to answer them. Please post them in the appropriate forum. If
ML is so kind, perhaps he will allow his forum for this, as it will prevent
others from debating for the sake of debate. However please note that I will not
debate anything here either. I will state my opinion and/or experience only and
answer the questions as best I can.
I hope this helps everyone who reads it in some way.