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--Testimonials--Improvement with water--
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--Testimonials--Improvement with water--

Every once in a while I realize something so important that I overlooked and
once I correct it, every thing seems to get much better.

I've been akalyzing for over a year now and definitely consider myself one of
the many that have experienced miraculous positive changes in my health as a

Most recently, I was doing a series of baths and did not realize that we were
getting close to the full moon. Then we had a series of days experiencing a
weather condition of very low humidity and dry winds. My face got really dry and
my lips were dry, cracking and peeling.

I did an enema, upped my dosages of kelp and lime water, and started topically
applying some ACV to my face. This made things better but I was still missing
something. Then I realized that I was not really drinking water. For the last
three days I've been buying a couple 1.5 liter bottles of akaline water (ph 9.4
produced by "ionic separation" marketed under the brand name Essentia) and
making sure that I drink them slowly throughout the day. Wow did that make a
huge difference.

Just goes to show you how long I've been around this information and how easy it
is to make such an obvious error.

Hope this helps someone to avoid the same mistake.

God Bless,



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