--Testimonials--Improved Energy Levels and Better Mood & Scalp condition 50% Better
in approx. 3 weeks--
I just wanted to write because I have just started the protocol, and I am have
almost immediate positive results. I thought that this might be encouraging to
someone who is just considering this protocol. Now, I did start some of the diet
modifications over the last 3 weeks or so, but my condition was not improving by
diet changes alone. I have had 3 alkalizing baths, and 2 alkalizing drinks so
My scalp condition (scaling, oozing for months) is at least 50% better with
minimal scaling and only a few areas of oozing. Interesting, the crown of my
head that was injured when a full piggy bank hit it months ago when all this
started is now very, very tender and oozing. (It hadn't been when I was really
suffering badly, but other areas were). It almost seems like a few layers of
Dis-Ease have been removed and I am back to where I was when I initially began
feeling so bad. I have some very tender lymph nodes around my ear and base of
the skull. Anyone else have that issue? I am not worried because I know these
changes are positive overall.
By far the biggest difference has been my energy level and my mood. I have been
amazed to see how this has changed. Other areas of my life seem to be getting
less "acidic" too. I finally have compassion again. I work with families who
have a child with cancer, and I was just drained before. Today, I was talking to
a family and they commented on how upbeat I sounded. I owe it to them to
continue on the protocol for that benefit alone. I also noticed a very
unexpected benefit this morning after doing a bath. The wrinkles under my eyes
were much smoother.
Knock and the door will be open for you...I noticed once I took the first step
the universe provided what I needed (or already had but I hadn't noticed).
Yesterday, I didn't plan well for the day and found myself very hungry without
good food to eat that was easily available. Unexpectedly, my neighbor handed me
a bag of greens and brocolli that was grown from her garden (organically). Our
house doesn't have a shower (so dilemma how to take the cold shower after the
bath). My mom purchased the cabin next to our house in Feb the water heater is
turned off because she is not there, but it is no problem because I only need it
for the cold shower. (These may seem like little things, but it is amazing to
see the pieces fall together when you pray for healing and finally take the leap
of faith that is offered.)
Another thing that is happening, people are falling out of the woodwork who need
this information for their own healing or for a loved one. I am sharing
everything I have tried to learn and apply so quickly.
Thank you moreless for being the channel of this information and all the others
who give so generously of their time and energy on this forum. May God bless you
Blessings to all~
By soblessed