--Testimonials--Wound Healing with Calcium Hydroxide--
Equilibrium - Wound Healing with Calcium Hydroxide
Last week I cut off the end of my thumb. To stop the bleeding
I covered it in straight pickling lime which congealed
quickly. It went very hard and I had a large lump of
'limestone' on the end of my thumb. After a few days I
alternativly soaked it in olive oil and h2O2 to dissolve the
rock and it has started to heal up nicely. The amazing thing
is it has not been sore at all. From past experience when
badly cutting my finger it takes about 1/2 an hour before it
begins to sting and throb and remains very tender for a week
or so. With this there was no sting, throb or tenderness and
the hard rock coating let me shower without covering it and go
about my life as normal.
Moreless can you tell me how the CH stopped the pain. Does the
calcium protect the nerve endings?
Answer from Moreless:
Hi Nicole,
It is nice to see someone who is able to think for themself
and be willing to try some new ideas to learn to help themself
Yes, the Calcium may protect the nerve endings, as the nerve
endings may only Cause you Pain when they are too Acidic !
And as the Calcium Hydroxide is Alkaline, this "STOPS" the
nerve endings from becomming Acidic !
And by using the oils to help soften the area, these oils may
provide some other Alkaline Minerals which are stored in them
and aide in the healing process !
Smile Tis your choice.
"NEVER" use straight Calcium Hydroxide in your body
It may Burn your mucous membranes !
Just use it in the Alkalizing Drink in the Diluted form, but
this way you may learn to use a fair amount of it and get
Excellent results !
I had earlier suggested the use of it straight on a cut to
stop the Bleeding, and this method is Fine and may not Cause
any problems, because the reaction with the open cut and Blood
may Neutralize the caustic effect of the full strength Calcium
Hydroxide and help the wound to heal very nice, as she
reported it did !