--Testimonials--Constipation Tip I Learned Here--
Optimum - Constipation - A tip I learned Here
Adding a pinch of ES to my water helped get my movements on
track. That worked so well, that it doesn't take a lot to
become a laxative. I had to cut back on the amount of pinches
to my 1.5L bottle I keep at work.
What's wrong with a cheap solution?? Cheap solutions are why
my morning Ph went from 5.5 to 6.8 in a few weeks. My skin
feels "new" thanks to the detox baths. I'm no longer freezing
in the winter because I add sea salt to my food. I'm eating
foods that are in season. The only thing I didn't do is the
drink because I didn't feel it was necessary for me & my
condition (I do take a T of BSM & a T of ACV daily).
Over the past 10 years, I've spent hundreds (I can't get
myself to type out a thousand/thousands) on products that
didn't SOLVE the problem.