--Testimonials--Saliva pH up--Question on Bubbly Urine--
By tbg,
Hi Moreless,
All is well on this front. I'm taking in 3 Alkalizing Cocktails a day, with
between a tsp and a tsp and a half of kelp. When I tried a tbsp, it seemed a bit
much. Like to keep it below the gag reflex.
I've noticed sometimes my urine is quite bubbly. I've read before that this may
be protein in the urine. Would this suggest I am taking too much magnesium, or
is it no concern. I'm not really concerned, as I'm confident a lot of acidic
waste is leaving via the urine. Thought you might have some feedback on this.
Also, could you elaborate a bit on "just a pinch" of epsom salts, both in the
Alkalizing drink and at meals.
Do the epsom salts improve digestion or just spead the transit time of waste, by
increasing peristalsis? And I trust they also help the kidneys a good bit.
Thanks so much. I feel fortunate to have come across your forum. My saliva ph is
staying up around 7.2, though my urine ph does fluctuate.
All the best, Tim
Reply by Moreless to tbg: Hi Tim,
The bubble in your urine tells you that you are getting rid of Protein thru your urine, this is why it bubbles!
The Magnesium in the Epsom Salt helps with this!
Smile Tis your choice.