--Testimonial--Damaged Adrenal Glands Healing--
By LD Di,
Hi, all!
This may be a good time to mention that I had been saliva tested 4x in one day
to determine my adrenal function about a year b4 starting the Moreless protocol
at askmoreless.com. The results were dysmal. I had very little adrenal activity
early in the morning, and almost nothing the rest of the time.
The alternative MD who ordered the test encouraged me to take several expensive
proprietary mix suppliments for this. I gave it a try for a year, and there was
barely noticable improvment and LOTS of expense. Tbhis was about the same as I
fhad been able to do on my own with more affordable forms of the herbs from
About a month after starting the recommended type of diet, alkal8ising drinks
and detox baths, my blood pressure shot up, my pulse shot up, and I had tons of
energy. I was able to drop al adrenal suppliments and reduce my thyroid meds. BP
and pulse returned to normal and I still had great energy until I experienc ed
the worst toxic exposure of my life and had a bit of a setback.
So, whether you can start fast or start slow, expect this to WORK for adrenal
Keep seeking accurate knowledge applying, sharing it!
Keep seeking abundant life and joy!