By boatqueen,
Someone asked her how long until she found her hypoglycemia was better?
That's a good question, and I will try to answer it as well as I can remember.
Since I wasn't actually looking for my hypoglycemia symptioms to subside, I'm
not exactly sure, but it was fairly soon, as all of the benefits I received from
taking the ML drink.
What happened was that I noticed that I could go longer and longer without
eating, yet didn't get that woozy/dizzy
I'm-gonna-chew-someone's-leg-off-if-I-don't-eat-NOW feeling. No more roller
coaster blood sugar (and the personality to go along with it) anymore just
because I didn't eat the perfect food every two hours. Such a relief....as I
was truly resigned to being stuck with this condition for the rest of my life.
Now back to your question. I bet I started noticing improvement in this area
about week 2-3, or possibly even earlier as I wasn't looking for it. Hope that
makes sense.