--Testimonials--Heart arrhythmia Healed & Now the Arthritis--
Hi Moreless,
YOUR QUOTE: "Answer: Could it be that the Tissue and Organs of the body which
are not getting the needed Alkaline Minerals Specific for their needs, may be
where the Body becomes too Acidic first ?"
Is this perhaps the reason that my heart arrhythmia healed first, and now the
arthritis symptoms that were plaguing me are becoming history.
I was told three years ago after surgery to repair the torn meniscus in my knee
that I also had significant arthritis and would probably need knee replacement
surgery in two years. Before starting the recommended pH balancing protocols and
even for some time after, I was having many knee problems (read: pain). Now I
hardly ever experience a twinge in spite of line dancing an hour to an
hour-and-a-half every day. I teach one of the classes and there was a time there
that I thought I might have to give it all up. What a blessing this is to me to
be healing.
It seems like all my issues are lined up and waiting to be resolved in my body's
own good time--like it is working on a priority basis. Grin! There are some
issues yet to be resolved that I am really looking forward to, like losing some
You, Moreless, are my hero, along with many of the other posters who are so
diligently working at creating a healthy lifestyle. I have tried to introduce
sufferers to this protocol and they just flat out tell me they can't do what I'm
doing. All I can say is that they'll just have to keep suffering. As for me, I
don't like to suffer--I like to be up at at 'em!
Warm Thanks!