--Testimonials--Sweating & Better Body Temperature Control--Health Improvement--
By Grz,
It has been 115 degrees (hit 120 briefly at the house today) or above for the
high over the last several days in a row. I am able to tolerate this much better
than I ever could. In fact, it is not bothering me much at all this year,
however, when I am outside I sweat like crazy looking like I went swimming with
my clothing on when I come inside... leaving puddles on the floor for a good 15
- 30 minutes after I come inside.
I am sure this must have an effect on my mineral levels; sweating so much...
loosing minerals in the process. I do not feel worse off though. In fact, after
I stop sweating I feel somewhat energized.
I am thinking I must have some pretty strong mineral reserves at this point.
I also went all winter last year with nothing heavier than a light wind breaker
over a shirt; even wore sandals all winter... and it did snow once :-) rare
here, but mentioned to show that it can get into the high teens or 20s at night
in my neck of the woods.
Thank you for your reply.