--Testimonials--Fingernails & Toenails Healthier--
My question is about nail tips. Mine are very white. Almost french manicure
white. If I don't soak my nails in any water for long periods of time they will
stay this color. (washing my hands does not effect it) If they soak in water
they turn slightly transparent and stay that way for a few days and then they
dry out and turn white again. Does anyone else notice very white tips?
This started after about 4 months of being on the ML protocols. I felt that the
iodine/kelp contributed to the greater strength of my nails but what part
contributed to the white tips? They look very nice, if I may say so myself.
Women pay alot of money for this look. I also have natural french manicure
toenails to match.
To me this is evidence of good health changes going on in my body.
By refreshed