--Testimonials--Almost Pain Free Now after 30 years of Pain!--
riverrat - Almost Pain Free!
I've increased my lime water to 10TB - 12 aday.This morning my
ph was 7.5 Today is the first day in 30 years, I haven't taken
some pill for pain!!!! Yey!!! I still had some slight neck
spasims. But I didn't need any thing for them. Since starting
your drinks and changing my diet,I am candida clear, I can
think again, my memory is better, my skin is clear, my nails
are stronger, I'm digesting the food I eat,and I have more
energy.I am so appreciative of all the advice you have given!
Still have a long way to go. I've been acidic for most of my
life, so I still have a ways to go. But I know I'm on the
right track. THANKS riverrat
Here is what I did: I've gone easy on it,I eat mostly veg. a little fruit,and very small amounts of comp. carbs. I haven't done any cleanses or fasts. My BS drink is: 5TB lime water,(I was doing 3 but need 5),1/2 lemon, 2ts kelp, 3 pinches mag. and rest filtered water to make 12 oz. I make 2 of these a day. I don't have a juicer so
I take 2 Ultra green juice caps a day + 2 glasses of Kyo-green. I know it would
be better if I did my own grass drinks. Evenually I will. I never was really
'ill'. My problem all these years has been VERY tight muscles, pulling my body
out of alignment. I've tried EVERY thing that was suggested to stop the pain.
I've seen chiorpractors for 30 years. I hope in time I can stop - hope, pray,
hope, pray....I've only been doing it for about 6 months. I don't pretend to
fully understand it. I'm going on faith. If it works -I keep on doing it! Hope
this helps any of you who are leary of taking more than 1TB per drink. riverrat