Now I take all these things together:
-Epsom salts
-lime water
-lemon juice
-kelp (from the English site
Thanks Invincible!!!
Good kelp from Norway!!!)
-RO (reverse osmosis) water.
I dilute the kelp in water before and drink it fast (no good tasting «smile»).
But I noticed that if I take it in hot water, the taste is much less. Also I
play with the amounts of BSM and lemon, I have the feeling that less than one
spoon of BSM and less than half a lemon is better for me. I'm not that big guy.
A positive effect of the protocol is that my urine pH stays now longer alkaline,
(till 12.00 p.m. or even longer). Before doing the pH protocol it used to become
acidic after 10.00, 9.00 or even 6.00 p.m., so getting better. Still in the
morning is acidic. I have some way to go.
Another good thing is that the skin (still some eczema in my scalp. «Eczema is a
hard one!!!») is improving (slowly) and digestion is getting much better (very
quickly!!!). Bowel movements have improved greatly —3 per day at least— (Epsom
salts!?) and their odour, which seems to me the ultimate test!!! «smile» is now
almost inexistent. It seems that now the right kind of bacteria is operating and
I trust that that alone will do much good to the body.
Must say I have dropped completely the cooked grains and the very occasional
bread I was eating! Noticed that even a very small amount of cooked cereal would
bring me to the acid side (sprouting grains are OK for my pH). I eat now sweet
potatoes, potatoes, pumpkin… for the carbohydrates.
I enjoy salads very much, EVERY DAY!!! with sprouts, avocado, olives, cucumbers,
peppers, lettuce, sesame seeds, a bit lemon or/and ACV, olive oil, salt water
(sole), etc. Really good tasting and good alkalising food!
Tend to like much more salads and cooked vegetables than fruits. I have to push
me a bit to eat fruits, I don’t understand it, they say that fruits are the
ideal food.
Thanks to you all.