I am in complete shock right now. What im about to tell you is the truth. Lets just say that, im not to proud of what im about to post, but i think it is very important to post. I had unprotected sex, and i caught this disease syphilis. Everyone knows that a shot, or a few pills of penecillin will cure this std. Well, i was to embarrased to go to the doctor, nor did i have the money.
When you catch this, your penis becomes inflamed, and the skin will start to peel off, and ur penis burns like crazy. U can develop lesions on your penis also. This all happened to me, and it started this past saturday.
I took some mms daily, and i also just dabbed some mms on my penis once a day, 10/50. Today, the lesion is gone, no more itching, and its not inflammed. All skin is back in place. I could not even walk because if my penis touched my underwear, it will kill me in pain. I had to cover it with a guass and vaseline.
If you dont believe in mms, or you have had challenges, i can tell you, this stuff works for alot of things. If i was not afraid to do more than 10 drops, id probably cure my lung problem.
I will be sure to rap up next time and from now on. This is not my first time catching it, and the last time was like over 10 years ago, which was cured with penecillin.
hmmmmmmm, wonder where he got the penicillin?(that he didnt take)
Folks I know that many of you are under the impression that mms solution is "alkaline" well it is NOT alkaline it is very acidic.
Please before I get flooded with responses to this statement I will describe a simple test for all of you to perform "BEFORE" you reply saying that it is not acidic.
Do the test below before replying please.
Do Not Rely On Others Telling You It Is Alkaline, See For Yourselves, Do Not Take Anyones statements, Do The Test! See With Your Own Eyes!
Prepare your MMS like what is directed by almost all so called authorities and experts.
Number one: go to your local swimming pool supply store and purchase an "Aquacheck" water testing kit. it contains 50 test strips that check water for pH, and free chlorine levels.
Get your distilled water out that you have been told to use when mixing MMS, and use one of the test strips to test the distilled water "before" adding to the mms solution. record the readings.
get a small glass add 10 drops of the mms solution "sodium chlorite 28% solution" as normal, then add 50 drops of the citric acid activator solution as normal.
wait the three minutes, then add the 4-6 ounces of distilled water, as normal.
Then take a test using the water test strips.
You will see for your own eyes that the Ph pad on the test strip is bright "YELLOW" or very acidic and off the acid scale on the Aquacheck bottle.
You will see what is making you sick.....the acid.
ill people already have to much acid in thier bodies as is well documented and known.
Why add more acid to the body? When it is NOT needed to have the produced chlorine dioxide?
This is a major problem with MMS...Too much acid!
You can reduce the acidic pH and still retain the chlorine dioxide chlorite ions.
DO THE TEST THEN REPLY, because i will tell all of you right now, if you reply and state that the solution is not acidic, then you did not perform the test.
Do The Test! Then find out how to neutralize the acid, but you must first confirm the acid levels to yourself! With Your Own Eyes! Not with others statements.
Besides being acidic, it also causes excesses oxidation (as opposed to oxygenation). An acidic environment is conducive for cancer formation and proliferation and oxidation can put cells under stress that results in mutation into cancer cells. While it is true that MMS might kill off some cancer cells, it could imo also cause cancer cells and is at any rate not kind to healthy cells.
Note: I post this because you cross-posted it into cancer forums. Your post should probably have been made in the MMS debate forum instead of here in the support forum.
Yes, but what I am trying to tell you is that CureZone has an MMS DEBATE forum where you can debate the merits of MMS or post about its problems. Likewise, CureZone has a Cancer DEBATE forum where you can debate various cancer treatments. You posted in three support forums. While it might be OK to post warnings in the cancer support forum so long as a prolonged debate does not ensue, it is not considered to be proper form to repeatedly post warnings anti-MMS messages in a forum intended to support MMS use.
We pretty much agree on MMS, just saying this isn't the place to do it. As regards cancer, I will save that discussion and perhaps debate for a later date. If you look at my posting history, I have made "one or two" posts in the cancer forums. As moderator of the Cancer Alternatives support forum, I do try very hard to keep people educated about the causes and solutions for cancer, as well as warn them about information and/or treatments that I think might be dangerous or ineffective.
Hello, MMS War Zone!
Has there been any consensus reached as to whether MMS works for many things, some things, nothing or what? Has there been any proof of adverse reactions and/or harm? I found John Humble's story rather compelling, as well as some of the early reports I read and testimonials. At one time, I was even considering making MMS and marketing it, but I have become a bit leary due to reports where it did not work and some information to give me pause.
In reading the recent bashings, er I mean posts, here it almost seems like their is a consensus that it at least removes age spots. And yet some members of my yahoo health group (oleandersoup) report that they know people whose faces it caused to age significantly until they reversed some of the effects (damage?) with heavy doses of anti-oxidants.
I won't flirt with you much
You won't? Well dammit! After I saw that scumwad Troll Patrol lecture you, I had such high hope!
Ok then, "hot stuff". I have some folks on my oleandersoup group who swear by MMS, and I have followed the story and found it compelling, as I mentioned earlier. But I have no personal experience with it, and generally find that the oleander extract I am far more familiar with does most of the things MMS is supposed to do and generally does them better too - if you consider 100% success against HIV/AIDS and over 90% success against cancer of all kinds and stages. It also works well for hep-C and diabetes, and can be made into a skin cream to remove all kinds of skin thingies - including age spots.
A scientologist? Like John Revolta and Tom Cruise? Well, that would certainly destroy any credibility I might otherwise afford him. Must have been malaria or some kind of fever. Maybe a brain sucking parasite (L. Ron Hubbardus?). Yikes!
In no way does he strike me as a gold-digger though.
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