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Re: warning mms is acid!
sedonapure Views: 9,665
Published: 15 y
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Re: warning mms is acid!

Thank You,
Yes, it does mostly pertain to Miracle-Mineral-Supplement forums, but as I have recieved "hundreds" of emails from people trying Miracle-Mineral-Supplement to help with their cancer issues I felt that the information might be helpful to them as well.

Most cancer related issues are also linked to the body being acidic, and I wished to advise that adding more acid to an already acidic environment may not be in the best interest of persons so afflicted.

If you are prominate in the Cancer Forum s then it may be a good idea to begin educating people that the "cancer" term is very ambiguous at best.

Cancers are caused by "opportunistic" organisms that have taken hold in certain areas of the body.
These pathogens produce toxins, and it is these toxins that are being manifested in "symptoms" of these toxins.
There are many different pathenogenic organisms, and they all do produce many different, but also many similar toxins that manifest as symptoms and produce various antigens. One issue that I have discovered is that the organism that can cause blood poisoning for example also causes vegitations within the heart and lungs leading directly to inhibition of the bodies ability to process oxygen leaving the oxygen as a oxidizer as you say. This is caused by these organisms ability to produce cyanide within the body and the blood. Yes, CYANIDE, just as the cyanide fermented by the Nazis to gas the jews.
Most doctors and hospitals are not testing for cyanide poisoning which must be addressed FIRST.

Now this is only one example.

As shown with real lab work on our website we clearly show as best as possible that nearly all pathogens are destroyed by "stabilized" chlorine dioxide. We can dictate a real US patent for producing "stabilized" chlorine dioxide)This is not the chlorine dioxide that is produced in the standard Miracle-Mineral-Supplement form, by mixing sodium chlorite with citric acid and then drinking the mixture, as this is more closely related to "ASC" or acidified sodium chlorite)

The main difference being pH level and how this directly relates to the production of the active chlorite, and chlorate ions.

In stabilized chlorine dioxide the ratio of chlorites to chlorates is kept at 5 to 1, and this is very important, as the chlorate ions are not wanted, only the chlorite ions such as depicted on most MMS bottles with the image of a chlorite molecule (three atoms) whereas chlorate molecules have four atoms, and are NOT depicted on the MMS bottles.

The difference between chlorites, and chlorates is "night and day" as they recact within the body, and I invite you to learn the difference.

The big deception that has evolved is that while a 28% sodium chlorite solution is indeed highly alkaline, this changes to a very acidic base when citric acid is added.

No one drinks just sodium chlorite....As they should NOT do.
No..rather they all mix in the citric acid , or another acid such as lemon juice or vinegar to "make" the solution in which they are all being told to drink.

AND this is ACIDIC!, and high in chlorates, and minimal in chlorites.

Wrong chemistry, or as we in our lab like to say "Bad Chemistry"

The whole "cult" of MMS and the way it is delivered needs a drastic re-writting.

Yes, chlorine Dioxide DOES kill these pathogens, but does it also need to make people sick taking it? NO it does NOT.



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