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Re: The MMS Miracle Mineral Solution - the scam finally exposed.
SilverFox Views: 23,519
Published: 16 y
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Re: The MMS Miracle Mineral Solution - the scam finally exposed.

Hello Thebigcheese,

If you take a moment and read the articles referenced by Dr. Hesselink you will find that most of them deal with the ability of chlorine dioxide to kill various pathogens in petri dishes and in water. Unfortunately, he has no links to studies involving humans ingesting an acidified sodium chlorite solution as recommended in the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement protocol.

One study revealed that red blood cells were damaged by the ingestion of a chlorine dioxide solution. Another referenced the work involving WF-10. This product made it to clinical studies, but they were halted because it was not found to be effective.

The Lubbars study did involve humans, but was looking at water with chlorine dioxide in it. This is totally different from the solutions involved in the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement protocol.

The one link that involves Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is to Jim Humbles book. In the book there are lots of claims and documentation, but when you try to verify the claims you run up against a wall. The people in the hospitals and clinics where Jim Humble claims to have worked with people suffering from malaria have never heard of Jim Humble or MMS.

We have known for years that chlorine dioxide will sanitize hard surfaces, eliminate biofilm from the mouth, and purify water. None of these studies and tests indicate that you can safely do something similar inside the body. Dr. Hesselink proposes that more study is needed, and I agree with him.

Jim Humble claims that millions of people have had success with MMS, yet he finds it necessary to "introduce" MMS2. The placebo effect can account for about a 30% success. With a million people using MMS, that would meant that we could expect around 300000 people to report success with it, just from the placebo effect. Jim Humble (prior to the introduction of MMS2) was claiming 100% success, so where are all these healthy people?



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