In response I have to say I'm so glad to have come across this website - I thought I was the only one! I have a hard time going anywhere too far from home after eating and if I do I always know where there is a washroom nearby. I decided to have my gallbladder removed after having near fatal gallstone pancreatitus. This is caused by Gallstones blocking the Pancreas. I didn't know I had gallbladder problems because I had just had a child and never felt well afterwards. I had a high fever days after having the baby and the doctor said it was my breastmilk coming in. After going home I called the hospital where they told me they thought I was constipated and my health nurse who told me I had the flu and went to my doctor who thought I had a bladder infection. When my baby was a month and 5 days old I woke up in terrible pain which got worse quickly and ended up in the E.R. and from there in I.C.U. for 10 days with an I.V., a central line, a tube down my throat, a catheder, a butterfly for giving morphine and oxygen. I have recovered and rejoiced the day I had my gallbladder removed but now I suffer with these constant trips to the bathroom.