I had my gallbladder out on Halloween in 2001, 2 months after my daughter was born. I too have diarrhea all the time too. It's called Bile Salt Diarrhea. Excess bile salts are usually absored by the gallbladder but since we don't have one anymore, the excess bile salts go straight to our intestines. Some people's intestines can handle it and some people's can't. Mine obviously can't. I have found a solution though and did this without going to the doctor. Calcium.....calcium is normally a good "bulker" and if you take extra calcium, it may help to control the diarrhea by bulking up your bowel movements. It has helped me tremendously!!! I take 2 calcium a day. One in the morning and one at night. Some people need to take 3, but every person is different so you have to play around until you find the right dose for you. It does wonders and I'm also helping to fight osteoporosis at the same time!