I had my gallbladder removed April of 2002 and too suffer from
chronic diarrhea with severe abdominal pain I was told it may
take up to a year to resolve I did not have stones my gallbladder
had less than 5% functioning capacity verified by Hiata Scan
I have tried bentyl along with various other medications
there are good days and bad, but I do find that if I am going
out to eat I make sure the food is very low in fat and take
2 imodium and one bentyl prior to eating with any luck i may
be able to survive the night out without being in the bathroom
for ever
I too lost 25lbs and have kept it off that was a plus however
I would rather be able to eat food without any discomfort
I only had one attack after eating fast foods at work withing
2 days after the hiata scan which made me sick and nauseau
I was hospitalized but on IV and emergency surgery the orginal
plan was to have my gall bladder removed in 2wks after the scan
but the nuclear test which showed the sluggish gallbladder
caused sever pain and discomfort requiring hospitalization
I keep waiting for that magic cure