I am so happy to have come across this message board. I had my gallbladder removed in 1997. I thought I was the only one going through this. And I too would like to share. I have to stay close to home so that I can use the restroom, because I fear going out to eat or just enjoying a snack. One day while out shopping I thought a cinnamon pretzel would be ok to eat because it was safe the last time I had had one. This time my body gave me the signal that it was not ok. The usual bubbling in my stomach and the discomfort of the occurring diarrhea. I hated to have to use a public restroom, so I held it for as long as I could. It is embarrassing to me to have to defacate outside of my home. At work I continually apologize for using the rest room so often. Some days I'm fine and other are a nightmare. I once had an accident on myself while driving home.(ashamed to admit it) It has practically taken over my life. I thought it was all in my mind that I have the urge to go 15 to 30 minutes after eating. At times certain foods don't bother me and sometimes the same foods may go through me in a matter of minutes. I get so depressed at times that all I want to do is sleep. And what's so depressing about the whole thing is that I don't loose weight I gain and I can't hold anything in long enough to hold on to calories. Now that I know that other are going through the samething I feel so much better and thank you for allowing me to express my self.