Re: Never Give Up!
Aharleygyrl parked for hello
hi, I found it not irrelevant but reinforcing of the feeling bad condition when "and never open the curtains" can precipitate sickness in a diurnal creature. Please don't deny the benefits of sunshine when you're folding. A porch, a yard is a step of truth being the retreat. Could the 'agoraphobia' be quieted away from the marketplace mentality of crowds when going to dispersed spots like a park if you could where folks might be more readily wavers for a start. Gentle hours may be important too. Rocks even, as boulders placed in some are very healing I'm discovering in a stone acreage where my skin goes to too.
Also, foods make this co-functional wellness. Bananas and avocados in ripest or sat to soften stages are examples of tyrosine that links up with sunshine for serotonin I think and then there's routing of the good of the heat for making thyroid operable with t4 by selenium with ample sample in unshelled brazil nuts. It's not all money. Cheaper shitake you can air dry in a colander can be for variety in an acceptable form then to not defeat the outdoors connection with photosensitivity to that light otherwise with such raw mushroom. I make crackers out of all mine now when I have them. The list goes on, but this specific has me suggest quality of produce be carefully picked or soaked to be the mature peach etcetera as wrong consumption time can be egregious as goitrogens. This is the case for most fruits, so savor and find very good results also. Hypothyroidism could be an extension of poor choices and that is one means to a depressed mood per se with the auxilaries of anxiety by additional loops.
on that, I can't predictably understand why cabbage and brocolli and lots of hard vegetables would be best tender instead of direct unless intended younger over weighty older sales, but I've enjoyed making sauerkraut with what I get as I can't sprout in soil trays now with guest windowsill of meager provision other than bent view. The point is, this can provide interfacing options of nature to work for you and make you want to go to it. Overnight cucumbers on spinach with roots in freshly poured coconut juice yesterday were very hydrating but deeply effective. Note, the type of supplenees releases us from supplements as complaints go down with completeness maybe. Tomatoes can even incorporate the vegetable oils this way for lycopene advantage as well own seed gelling of it.
Edit : Moist exposure of earth not just side of building, is just a few ideas of entrees emphasis to help you exit warmly...]
Staying basic and not majorly acidic is important growing one step at a time.
I hope you look forward to the care that is there,