Re: Loneliness Is Bad for Your Health
Dogs do work. They are not a total solution, but they do wonders.
I have been alone, literally, all my life. I was even a latch key kid. I have had a number of dysfunctional relationships, but my last one ended 12 years ago, and I have been living alone ever since.
I have tried joining spiritual groups, taking classes, etc., but if the karma is not there to connect, it dosen't happen, and I don't care what anyone says. Even here on CZ, the answers I get are usualy short and sharp, if I get one at all. And the older you get the harder it is, because most people my age have families and life long friends and they are busy. Besides, I really don't want to be with somone just to be with someone. I live in California too, and worse than that I live in Orange County, and worse than that I live in a Mexican neighborhood where no one speaks English! Good Grief. I don't speak to anyone except those at work...and boy, is that boss hardly even says good morning. I have no family to go back to, even if I wanted to. I ran away from home at 19, and I have been running ever since...until I got stuck here, that is.
I reconnected with the love of my life from high school a few years ago...(via the mail, as we live 3000 miles apart)and to make a long story short, I ended up having a nervous breakdown. I cried for up to three hours a day for a year and a half. Let's just say, he was no Robert Kincaide. I haven't been quite the same ever since.
I try to do the things that are good for me...but I fall short a lot. What I like best is cuddling on the sofa with my dog and that does not equate to stomach always feels weak and makes me tired, so I rarely do more than walk (dogs are good for that, tho). My dog is my lifeline. He makes me laugh, he makes me go out, he fills my heart with love...and he even gets me down on the floor to play once and awhile. (He can be very bad my exercise bike is not like just sits there in the corner like a lump.)
I was thinking of trying Jon Barron's Women's Testosterone...not so much to perk up my libido, but to increase my will....but I am afraid I will react to it, as any thing hormonal gives me these episodes...and all this stuff (superfoods, antioxidents, enzymes..water filters...the list goes on and on....)costs so much money.