The elderly make wise and wonderful friends - it is a shame a tragedy the way that our society dumps them off in rest homes and assisted living. Perhaps you might find company and rewards from doing the same thing my wonderful friend and fellow CureZone member Luella does - visiting and helping the elderly at care facilities?
Try the second link now, it should work. If not,. cut and paste it into your browser.
Burping can come from many things, including stomach ulcers. My best advice is to see a qualified medical professional. And if you don't like what you hear, get a second opinion. Mainstream medicine and their diagnostic tools are very good at diagnosing problems, though not infallible. The problems occur when they attempt to treat those problems with man-made drugs. Once you are certain of the source of the problem, then you can make a decision on how best to treat it. Chances are, nature will have some good alternatives.