Where does scripture say anything?
The bible doesn't speak. I know it sounds ridiculous to point that out, but the fact is we place more significance on the BOOK than we should (God is love, not a book). The bible is a record of what God spoke up until 2000 years ago, but it is not the word that we should live by (it is A word of God, of course, the only way we would know that we shouldn't live according to the bible is by reading it, the sword of the spirit is what we should live by, Ephesians 6:17), so I'm not saying that we shouldn't read it and always learn more from it, but we can't love a book (inanimate object). I love THE LORD and of course people also (the creation made in His image), but not because God wants us to love each other, it's just the way I am and was raised/taught (my true NATURE, but if we weren't raised that way, we should learn to be that way). The bible doesn't say anything, it READS (I know, I know).
But the way we speak is that "SAY" is a figure of speech (natural limitations, the flesh). Check out Luke 3:6 "..ALL...". The Lord has done what is necessary for us to be eligible to return to Him (this is salvation,...ELIGIBILITY), but whoever lives as a participant/member of death or hades will be cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:14). The god of confusion has been confusing all of Christianity for 2000 years so that we wouldn't understand this. The bible never says to pledge allegiance to The Lord (as to salute Him or wear a uniform, etc.). Hitler wanted his soldiers to show allegiance to him. Allegiance means to be someone's puppet. God does not want "allegiance", in fact, it is not about GOD, it is about US,..what do YOU want? Do you appreciate God being who He is? Do you like HIS WAYS?,...I do, therefore I LOVE God (very much), but because "I" WANT to. He doesn't value having our allegiance, but He would take special notice of LOVE.
So, the feeling about that not making sense,...it came from a loving heart that rules the mind.
Many people make the claim that they live by the spirit, but because we (humanity includes Christianity you know) have chosen to conveniently understand scripture in a way that will allow us to do whatever we wish, we have been taught to walk by faith. Does that make sense? (I know the common belief is that we should, but does that sound satisfactory to your heart?) It doesn't make sense to me, I LOVE God, therefore, I'm going to walk in love.
Nowhere in the bible does it suggest that we should walk by faith.
Who suggests that we should? Does God say that or does man say that?
Reading from the RSV (other versions change the words too much):
Galatians 5:16 "But I say, walk by the spirit..."
Galatians 5:25 "IF we live by the spirit, let us ALSO walk by the spirit".
Ephesians 5:2 "And walk in love..."
but it is also that THE SCHOLARS write COMMENTARIES and bible translators choose the words that don't properly explain the Lord's message.
We have been taught that we should BASE our devotion ("become worthy of" salvation) by "extracaricular" (for want of a better word) by "doing church" and being faithful in ministries and "WORKING" for GOD.
We should WANT to do things like this (not necessarily the INSTITUTIONS) because that is what should be in our heart (helpfulness). It doesn't mean that God doesn't value this at all, it means that it is not exactly what God is looking for because we're doing it for the wrong reason...to earn "brownie points" (status with?GOD?!!!), wrong attitude with God, but...
"...God is not so unjust as to overlook your work and the love you showed...in serving..." who? Hebrews 6:10.
(you have a good heart, sans sucre).