Re: Jesus broke the contract, and the covenant is null and void!(EDIT)
It is only those with an inner core of righteousness that can see (by contrast, the "inner mirror") the "discrepancies of justice" in this world, but you must give that mirror recognition and not resent the pain, it is the growing pains of conscience and the memory of where we come from (God). You are experiencing great sadness and sorrow that this world is not as The Lord's is (heaven), but He sent His Son so that one day we will be able to return to Him. He also left His spirit that we may also learn His character and attitudes in order to make our time here more peaceful and enjoyable, but also so that the lives of others we come into contact with will be blessed (and His kingdom, heaven, will also be in our hearts).
I grew up with this "great sadness" and suffered 51 years of suicidal
Depression (there were many reasons that I was uncomfortable with life, but it was all because of the "inner mirror"). I recovered because I wanted a deeper personal relationship with The Lord than the world had taught me. The Lord taught me to think "outside the book" so that the bible would not be the 'prison' of my mind and not to confine my love for Him to the INSTITUTIONS of Christianity. He taught me to know who I am and be who I am (His name forever in all situations, Exodus 3:14, "I am who I am") and that we we won't have the ability to truly experience happiness if we ignore conscience/SELF (the tree that Adam and Eve ate of).
He also taught me that everything in scripture was put there by Him for a reason, that we could learn from it or by it (He knew that someday, the information would be helpful to us in different situations) when the time comes. Take for instance, the account of how it came that Jesus was crucified. The jews only INSTIGATED Jesus's arrest, but the state could simply not find any reason that Jesus should be sentenced for anything. Pilate tried to keep Jesus from being crucified, but because the custom was to let someone go free on that day and the crowd was incited to riot by the Zealots (a militant group who wanted their leader, Barrabas, to go free, he was convicted as a MURDERER), Pilate had no choice or the peace of the city would be destroyed by the riots, and Pilate would have to answer to his superior for that). God chose to make sure that we knew the last words of Pilate to Jesus ("What is truth?") so that we could realize the significance of who Pilate was talking to ("I am the way, THE TRUTH...", John 14:6) instead of just knowing what we are told.
The Lord made sure all of that ended up in scripture so that we would know the dangers of being MILITANT (the scourge of militancy on humanity, but also what it does to each human soul). Your anger (there are many things in this world to be upset about), at times, does have some validity (because you want to be with your children), but it is not just (you must not deny justice it's due, justice is the basis of TRUTH), and when you become militant about your anger, your priority shifts and becomes a "CAUSE" (just like the Zealots).
If we look deeply into scripture, we can learn deeply (The Lord put it there for us to learn from when we need to, and wisdom is on a 'need to know' basis).