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Re: EXPERIENCE: Easier Way to flush everything out of your liver - Egg yolks and Lime Juice and Oil.
holisticchic Views: 22,962
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Re: EXPERIENCE: Easier Way to flush everything out of your liver - Egg yolks and Lime Juice and Oil.

I believe I can answer these for you. You do the the enema a few hours after the flush...actually 3-6 from what I can see on the thread. I would think you'd be okay doing it even later than that, as long as it was the same day. 2nd, You are supposed to do it after every flush. However, I think you can take OxyFlush in place of ( or alternating with) the enemas, because they are a good non addictive way to cleanse the digestive track and give me a non-enema way of moving any stones out fast! Doing too many enemas or too much Oxyflush in a row can deplete your electrolytes (this happened to me once after a series of enemas and I almost ended up in the hospital due to what I believe was my potassium levels getting too low...scary symptoms) It's a good idea to replenish the electrolytes with healthy foods and drinks, esp when doing enemas. Anyways got off on a tangent there...but to answer your last question. You can eat 3 hours after doing the flush. The enema doesn't interfere with your eating...just make sure you wait 3 hours after the flush to eat, that's all that matters.
Hope this helps!


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