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DO NOT LOOK FOR STONES IN THIS FLUSH! They Break down and toxins come out as BLACK OR DARK WATER!!!
tsetsi Views: 160,067
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 180,895

DO NOT LOOK FOR STONES IN THIS FLUSH! They Break down and toxins come out as BLACK OR DARK WATER!!!


I don't think you should give up. Do not look for stones to come out when you do the cleanse. Some peoplse ONLY pass stones sometimes, but mostly, it breaks everything up and it suctions it out of the liver.

Try using an enema 5-6 hours later in order to get the gunk out. You may not have noticed the dark-almost black toxins in your stool, if you consumed other foods that day. Also, give the flush a chance to prove itself to you, by practicing it for about a week, daily. You WILL see improvements, I am confident. Use an enema, don't be afraid. this is what really gets everything out. They sell great enema kits at wallgreens for about $11 and it will be the best $11 you'll ever spend. You do NOT NEED to take those bitter Epsom Salts !

Best Wishes my friend!


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