"and assumes a very PEACHY or ROASTED-TAN appearance. Skin also tightens and becomes obviously shiny, but not oily - this is a very healthy, waxy shine, like the way a skin should always be! It looks great on pictures as well. It becomes smooth and great to touch. Not to mention the whitening of your eyes, teeth and fingernails almost immediately as well. This is all due to the clearing of the blood, since your liver gets cleaned and now functions far better in cleaning the blood, which causes us to look our best!"
The tan appearance sounds a bit like some sort of liver toxicity...the waxiness reminds me of lecithin. I must admit, the author's text shows signs of being very good ad copy.(all the focus on shiny hair...)
Then again, I recall how duirng an intense period of study, I pretty much lived on ceasar salad, and stayed very healthy. Raw egg yolks, good olive oil, lemon, garlic, mustard, romaine...
The only "tan" I had, alas, was what I picked up from the radiation off the computer screeen.