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Re: Easier Way to flush everything out of your liver - Egg yolks and Lime Juice and Oil.
helee Views: 156,306
Published: 18 y
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Re: Easier Way to flush everything out of your liver - Egg yolks and Lime Juice and Oil.

That's a very interesting recipe, thank you, Tsetsi, I searched for it after a friend told me yesterday how she did her liver cleanse, and she said that she passed A LOT of green stones. This is what she did, it's an even easier method:

Eat lightly the previous week. Eat a light supper the night before the cleanse. Do enema the night before. At 5 am mix 1 egg into a glass of mineral water (no gas), and drink. Put a hot bottle on the right-hand side (where the liver is) and go back to sleep. When you get up in the morning a few hours later, you will be passing stones.

I am still missing a few details, such as I can't figure whether I am supposed to lie on my back or right-hand side, and whether I have to do the enema or can just take a laxative, but it sounds very easy and I am going to do it. I'll keep you guys posted if it works.

I haven't read anywhere on this forum about using hot bottle, but I heard about it from a lot from people I have talked to. Any ideas what the effect of the hot bottle is?


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