Re: easier way to flush everything out of your liver - wtih egg yolks and limes.
Eggs are a common food that many can be allergic or sensitive to. Before people embark on this, they may be wise to get tested for allergies or sensitivites to eggs, or you could be doing yourself more harm than good. Also(just my personal view and not as a flame towards others), too many people get caught up looking for a magic fix, a cure all, a be all end all. Health is so much more than popping that allegedly magic supplement, doing that magical cleanse, embarking in that fad diet, etc., its about taking a holisitic approach to health that includes better nutrition, regular exercise, transcendental meditation or whatever form of relaxation relaxes you, prayer(to address the spiritual), etc., I have been a member of this forum for all about 6 months, but in that 6 months from the
Liver Flush success stories that I read, most of the successes came from people who were taking a holistic approach to health.
This is supposed to be a open discussion on alternative flush cleanse protocols. As such, you may find that not everyone is open to something that you feel is posted to help others. Don't take it to heart and don't take it personally. If it offends you that other members may not necessarily agree with what you post, then perhaps think twice about posting. Just as people respect your right to post your opinion, you have to respect their difference of opinion. What a boring world it would be if we all agreed on anything and everything. As far as people thinking that you are a spammer, understand that there have been many spam posts of late, that people are on edge and increasingly suspicious of any posts that seem to present a extremely radical point of view accompained by a link or E-Mail address.
Thanks for sharing this and best regards.