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Re: Easier Way to flush... It did not work for me.
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Re: Easier Way to flush... It did not work for me.

I did this flush. I used conventional limes that smelled good, organic hempseed oil, + organic omega3 eggs.
I ate an apple about 2 hours before the flush, but had not eaten or drank anything during the 3 hours other than that & was quite hungry when I downed the mix.

I did go to sleep & awoke after 4 hours from the flush. The 2 enemas were mostly empty. There were no stones, nothing green, & just about 5 things that looked like seeds & 2 or 3 small jelly-like parasites. Nothing really interesting. It seems that whenever the enema is full enough to fill my appendix, I get some seeds out.

So I immediately doubled the dose & drank twice as much of the mix, after the enemas & went back to sleep. I did not eat/drink anything for well over 3 hours on the 2nd & 3rd flush.
About 7 hours later, another very-warm enema produced nothing.

So during lunch time I mixed the rest of the limes that I bought + some fresh squeezed orange juice to make it taste good with some walnut oil & the egg-yolks. Still, so far, nothing, but I'll let you know if I get anything.

I do not feel any discomfort. I felt a small amount of sensation (aching) on my right side the first 2 times, but it was hardly noticable, usually.

It may be that I do not have any stones. I'm not having detox symptoms or anything.

I eat mostly raw fruits & some raw veggies. I try to keep 80% of my calories from fruits/veggies/greens & 10% from fats(oils/nuts) & 10% from protein (turkey maybe once a week, sometimes longer).
My water is blessed very powerfully, distilled, & magnetized.
I have a chlorine filter on my shower-head. I use it to take a bath w/ epsom-salts regularly.
I exersize every day. Jump-rope is awesome, but also lift weights & run when the CTs are not so bad, to get some sunlight.
I meditate & pray daily, do not watch TV, & attend poetry club meetings.
I fast occasionally, & zap occasionally. I am making an experimental zapper, so I am always trying new settings.

Could it be possible that I do not have stones in my gall-bladder, even though I have never seen any of the green stuff leave me? I may have seen some chaff leave a year ago when I did a flush, but nothing significant, no 1" wide green rocks.

I've drunk about a gallon of fresh juiced apple-juice a day for a few weeks, just a few months ago, same goes for oranges.

I've heard others say that the only flush that really got stuff out was the Hulda Clark flush followed to the "T", but I've heard others mention having problems w/ their bowels, probably caused by the salt-water flush, which my intuition tells me to not do.

Maybe following her flush protocol followed w/ prune juice, instead of salt water would do the job. I like the prune juice idea. Maybe that will work.


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