I have been researching the whole
Liver Flushing process for about 6 months now and have been afraid to try it. I found this whole thread and figured it sounded less scary than drinking
Epsom Salts so I gave it a try. The first night I did it with the lime juice. I had to take very small sips because I HATE lime juice, but managed to get about 1/2 of it down before I threw it all up and gave up. The next day my elimination had a very strange long white line along one side. Not sure what it was but it was VERY white. I found that interesting because I didn't think I'd actually ingested enough to do anything.
Second night I tried again with orange juice. Much better. No problem getting it down and keeping it down. No enema though. Never done one and am nervous about that too... Did have a rather large elimination but no diharria, or anything unusual.
Last night I couldn't do it because I'd eaten too late. Drank the mixture this morning when I woke up and no drowsiness at all. Still considering trying the enema later today. I bought one, but haven't had the guts to open the package. I've got some of the Colonix fiber so I drank that about 2 hours after the flush material. That way if I don't do the enema at least I've got something helping the stuff along out of my system.
I'm going to keep doing it. We'll see if I have any improvements in my appearance or health. I think I'm going to try 1/2 orange and 1/2 lime juice next. I wonder if that's ok?