Re: I will try it tonight
Thank you for your detailed answer.
Another question:
What about the stones in the liver. I definately had many of them, very old ones. I did two super successful LF's yielding thousands of stones. Even more: I expelled a monstrum von 3 x 3
cm in size that had tortured me for 20 years or even longer.
What about these mechnical obstacles in the liver. Are they blown out with your methods?????
And another remark. Poisons in the body can roughly divided into water soluable and fat soluable ones. IMOH
Liver Cleansing catches "only" the fat soluable ones.
What makes me so sure:
Well I drink 1.5 liter of water within 2 minutes first thing in the morning since some days. It is sort of an internal shower for the body. Within minutes afterwards my tongue gets very coated, I start smelling under my armpits (what was never the case before) and while peeing my urinary bladder hurts. From all this I conclud, I expell poisons that do not get out by cleansing the liver .