Thank you for posting this easier cleanse. I've been trying it out a few times. I haven't seen any stones like I get with the Andreas Mortiz liver flush, but I think it is still helping my liver some. I assume it's okay to do this flush with 2 tablespoons of oil. What do you think? I've done it a few times only using 1 tablespoon, but I have done the other Liver Flushes that require 1/2 cup of olive oil, so I figured 2 Tablespoons would only make it more effective. I am doing 1 1/2 limes instead of 3 because the limes I bought are huge! I am getting 6 Tablespoons of lime juice, which is the average amount of juice from 3 limes. I am using Vital Farms pasture raised eggs (they don't say organic, but the only organic ones I have access to are not pasture raised...stuck in a small space with little room to get around and no grass!). Do you think these eggs are okay being pastured, even though they aren't organic? I researched the company and they seem good to me.
Thank you.