That’s pretty discouraging :-/ sorry you’ve been dealing with these issues too. I guess I’m just a big believer in that the body can heal itself if you give it the right tools. I’m goong to continue GAPS diet for now. I will hopefully get some answers through my hair mineral test, gene mutation test, salvia test. I actually just ordered an amonnia test that I will be getting done next week. I was looking into the CBS mutation and basically your body doesn’t detox ammonia very well. I believe maybe by taking Iodine I will killing candida, possibly parasites. These organisms release toxins and ammonia builds up in the body. Well if I have the CBS mutation this could be why I had such a bad reaction. I won’t accept to just live like this. I have to much to accomplish in life. I will die trying to heal myself and feel at least somewhat normal again. I wish you luck in your health struggles !