Yes a good possibility. I am im a home built in 1948. They owners got a notice to have child tested for lead. That is the least of the problems. Mold, bad pipes all are a bacteria (parasites). In Arizona you can contact your water department and get tested. However I would have it tested by a neutral party or order a test yourself. You can find instuctions online to grow it. I do not trust accurate result from the government. Just a bit of info. parasites if in water when you wash your fruit or veggies still contaminated. Big carrier of parasites are fruits and veggies not cleaned. 75% of those picking them are contaminated with one or more parasites. To me that was frightening. I found online site that they use the "Clorox Soak." They use this at Peace Corp. Her is a link to this and about water Worth reading. I have been searching for answers to my sudden illness I developed after living in a home of black mold. I walked away left everything and I still suffer years later. It killed my 2 cats and almost my dog and I. I have learned so much about parasites(bacteria).If you have any questions email me, or any answers, Thank you and Good Luck. Pam