Along with a sea-salt wash, a quality air purfier along with cleaning any vents and nasty unnoticed crap where ever you sleep would be a good idea. Stagnant and circulating air carries unwanted nastiness all over the place causing allergies and skin issues. Im sure an HVAC system that condensates creates moisture and guess what loves moisture? Guess what recirculates in your home constantly? Dead skin and micro-organisms. If this crap lands back on your skin as you sleep or if you sleep on an unclean pillow, or if you breath this toxic load in im sure your desired results as you try to self improve will be delayed. Lowes, amazon, home depot wherever. Just get one that is oversized for your room just to rule out variables. And its real relaxing breathing in clean cool air as you sleep. And drink distilled water or just super clean water not a crazy amount but enough. These are atleast two easily controlled measures in your environment that atleast won't worsen a condition.
Also i dont care how new your place of living is there is always a potential for mold growth. If you have mold growth ANYWHERE in your house you've pretty much better go to war agianst it.. Mold behind your cabinets, in your vents, under your house, in the place you work. Some people can handle it but some can't. Super easy to kill so take 4 hours out of your Saturday and get it done.