Thanks for the astrology tidbits! Helps explain a lot! =)
> do you ever use your gift on a planetary level?
Funny you should ask, lol. Actually, I've just recently started experimenting on tapping into the universal energy as well as simply meditating and "sending" energy on a grand scale over a personal one. I have NO idea if it's working or even if I'm doing it right! lol But I'll keep on keeping on until I get the hang of it. =)
I recognize that one reason I've never "tapped in" before is I always felt "guilty" about it. Like "who am I to use that kind of power?" or some such. Until the Harmonic Concordance discussions where we all chatted about sending energy and connecting the web, I just couldn't get past feeling selfish about it. Those posts *really* helped overcome a lot of mental blocks I'd thrown up! I can now see it as helping the energy do it's thing. It's not selfish at all! It's being useful and actually helping the whole system out! =)
I've said it many times and will many times again. You guys just rock! =)