Pulp is a solid and it will activate digestion and be counter productive in one of the MCs main MOs of giving the digestive system a rest .
Burroughs does mention pulp but only in the "special instructions for diabetics" and then he tell you to first put it in a blender to liquify it.
Did you just ignore the part where I mention that Burroughs mentions the blender thing and are you now ignoring the part now that this is in the section for "SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR DIABETICS" and not a general blanket recomendation to do on the MC??????
There is no "regular eating" on the MC so your point does not make any sense.
What there's no room for is people making recomendations that are plain WRONG and when it is pointed out in a ***non confrontentional*** manner what is *actually* mentioned in the book they come back and pretend that this is what they had said all along and still ignore the *FACT* that it is metioned in a section for a particular *SPECIAL CONDITION* that the person that inquired made absolutly no indication that this was their case (diabetic).
Not only was the recomendation WRONG and only recomended in a *SPECIAL CONDITION* but also recommending it in a situation that is perfectly **NORMAL** and no need to change anything or have any cause for alarm. ******THAT****** is PRECISELY what there's "no room for in this forum"
If you are trully trying to be helpful as *I* attempted to be by presenting some USEFUL FACTS then contribute something/anything USEFUL and stay on subject and discuss the matter at hand and not interject with some useless pseudo do-gooder remark that contributes absolutly NOTHING and helps no one . *THAT* is what there's no room for here or anywhere else for that matter. Like sargent Friday would say " Just the facts ma'am".......;+)
Have a nice day
Yes it removes mucoid plaque very well. You can see pictures here https://www.thebiocleanse.com/research/mucoid-plaque-cleanse and here https://www.thebiocleanse.com/research/mucoid-plaque-pictures .
As for the details, there is 2 ways to do it, one is the 9 day stronger cleanse that involves 5 days of juice fasting, where you have up to 5 psyllium bentonite shakes per day, as well as the herbal capsules. Most people remove a few meters of mucoid on this program. There is also a 14 day lighter cleanse for those who want to take it a bit slower. You eat alkalzing vegan food on this version and take the herb caps and up to 3 shakes. Also there is no need for enemas or liters of salty water on either program.
Let me know if you have any more questions.
Is this forum post specific to the lemonade diet in some way?
Hi. I believe all of the things that have been suggested to you so far are excellent natural methods of decreasing calcium deposits. However, as good as they are, they are best at prevention rather than remedy. Serrapeptase and Nattokinase are ideal, but do not work directly on calcium. If I were in your situation I would seriously look at Intravenous EDTA chelation therapy. Nothing is as effective for cleaning out clogged arteries and returning good circulation to all of the organs of the body. The only problem is that it is very pricey, but if there is any way that you can dip into savings for it - do it.
You will need to do a little investigating to see who (Medical doctor) in your city is doing this. It's important to note that there are many alternative practitioners who are asministering EDTA as oral chelation, however this is not as effective as IV and directly involves the kidneys and liver in the process, not such a good idea. Other docs use suppositories, but again, this is neither as effective nor easier on the body as the IVs.
Here is a link to get you started reading on this:
I hope this helps you. Many blessings.
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The MC should not be undertaken prior to reading the book The Master Cleanser by Stanley Burroughs AND all of the FAQ's. In some people fasting may promote formation and/or growth of intrahepatic stones and/or gallstones. Flush your liver before and after every fast to prevent possible problems!
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