I suggest a vegan whole food diet mostly raw (85 to 100% at least 2/3rd raw.
Animal products create acidity in the body and the body reacts by trying to flood the bloodstream with calcium taken from teeth and bones to try to make it more alkaline.
See the film forks over knives on the amazing studies etc on a vegan diet (plant based diet)
See hacres (click on hallelujah diet for what foods are raw and healthy cooked ones. Also see the testimonials.
Dr Jarvis in his books
Folk medicine and arthritis and folk medicine speaks of calcium deposits
http://www.amazon.com/Arthritis-Folk-Medicine-D-C-Jarvis/dp/0449209229/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1384694629&sr=8-9&keywords=d+c+jarvis more important
Jarvis speaks of how in Vermont they put apple cider vinegar in the tea kettles and water heaters to dissolve calcium deposits.
He was a doctor and a vet who came back to study the hundreds of years old Vermont folk medicine as well.
He speaks of runts of the litter growing taller than there siblings as far as cows and also saw it make small children grow taller bu getting the calcium where it is supposed to go.
He speaks of the difference butchers found in slaughtering cow who had been given apple cider vinegar every day and those not given it.
Those given it ha strong bones that were hard to cut through and tender skin and muscles etc
While those not given it had bones that were easily cut through and hard flesh and muscle indicating in the group given the apple cider vinegar the calcium was going to the right place and not settling in the flesh, muscle and joints oftne in the form of calcium deposits so it seems drinking acv every day might help dissolve the deposits.
Be sure to use a raw unpasteurized brand of vinegar. Ones commonly sold at supermarkets health section and health food stores in the us (or online) are braggs, eden and spectrum.
Use about an inch or so in a glass and fill with lukewarm water. One can add sea salt or raw honey if desired.
I would also take with it a way to help get it to the heart by taking the catalyst herbs cayenne to get it to the right place as well as help the heart. Cayenne is a heart food.
maybe there is something of help here
http://www.herballegacy.com/Osteoporosis.html speaks about it depositing in body
If taking calcium make it the organic calcium formula christopher talks about (it should be in his book If you need it let me know and I will look it up)
If you need to know how to make the bf and c d formula or the b and b I posted this in the schizophrenia forum again if you need that let me know and I will find it"
it says this
The degree to which atherosclerosis affects heart arteries is related to the presence or absence of calcium.
so I would also work to reduce the plague on the arteries.
Take these
cayenne the hotter the better with raw garlic (must be raw) minimum of 3 cloves a day together reverse plague (also can look at Dick Quinn's book left for dead
also take organic ginger tincture for the reversal of plague in the arteries
Use organic hawthone tincture (herbpharm is good or the one at herbdoc) this herb has been teasted in medical labs and found to have many heart protecting properties.
a vegan diet mostly raw and not refined foods with cayenne, raw garlic, organic hawthorne tinctures are essential to making the heart strong since it is at risk..I think the apple cider vinegar is important to do 3 times a day can also rub over area diluted
Be sure to read this nad have on hand both posts in the event of a heart attack, this might save your life. Cary organic cayenne tincture in car with directions and put one in house in handy reach like the directions taped to inside cabinet drawer and the cayeen inside. Aquaint anyone there what to do in the event o an emergency'
See my post here and the follwoup one be sure to go the link in the 2nd post I did
here sre links to all three
greens, green juices and green smoothies are a good source of organic calcium for vegans.
I think the vinegar and the vegan raw diet are verey important as chlesterol is involved in this condition and eating no animal foods will get rid of dietary chlesterol.
It seems that one has atherosiclerosis (plague) and this builds up and then excess calciumn in the blood layers ove rthat and hardens. this is where veganism is good and also the garlic, cayenne and gingfer regemin to reverse it. also a vegan diet helps reverse palgue and damage to the the blood vessles (see film forks over knives). I am hopeful the cayenne and ra garlic and ginger can reach the plague under the calcium. I am hoping the vinegar can help dissolve the plague and then the reginim reduces chlesterol, more plague and excess calcium in blood to eliminate future occurrences.
Do not use dairy and other animal products used for calcium as they are too acidic and this leeches the calcium form the bones and into the blood.
Sorry i can't think of more but hope this helps to reverse, then prevent and rebuild the heart and protect it in case of coranary heart disease or heart attack.
I suggest a vegan whole food diet mostly raw (85 to 100% at least 2/3rd raw.
Animal products create acidity in the body and the body reacts by trying to flood the bloodstream with calcium taken from teeth and bones to try to make it more alkaline.
See the film forks over knives on the amazing studies etc on a vegan diet (plant based diet)
See hacre.coms (click on hallelujah diet for what foods are raw and healthy cooked ones. Also see the testimonials.
Dr Jarvis in his books
Folk medicine and arthritis and folk medicine speaks of calcium deposits
http://www.amazon.com/Arthritis-Folk-Medicine-D-C-Jarvis/dp/0449209229/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1384694629&sr=8-9&keywords=d+c+jarvis more important
Jarvis speaks of how in Vermont they put apple cider vinegar in the tea kettles and water heaters to dissolve calcium deposits.
He was a doctor and a vet who came back to study the hundreds of years old Vermont folk medicine as well.
He speaks of runts of the litter growing taller than there siblings as far as cows and also saw it make small children grow taller but getting the calcium where it is supposed to go.
He speaks of the difference butchers found in slaughtering cow who had been given apple cider vinegar (acv) every day and those not given it.
Those given it had strong bones that were hard to cut through and tender skin and muscles etc
While those not given it had bones that were easily cut through and hard flesh and muscle indicating in the group given the apple cider vinegar the calcium was going to the right place and not settling in the flesh, muscle and joints often in the form of calcium deposits so it seems drinking acv every day might help dissolve the deposits.
Be sure to use a raw unpasteurized brand of vinegar. Ones commonly sold at supermarkets health section and health food stores in the us (or online) are braggs, eden and spectrum.
Use about an inch or so in a glass and fill with lukewarm water. One can add sea salt or raw honey if desired.
I would also take with it a way to help get it to the heart by taking the catalyst herbs cayenne to get it to the right place as well as help the heart. Cayenne is a heart food.
maybe there is something of help here
http://www.herballegacy.com/Osteoporosis.html speaks about it depositing in body
If taking calcium make it the organic calcium formula christopher talks about (it should be in his book If you need it let me know and I will look it up)
If you need to know how to make the bf and c d formula or the b and b I posted this in the schizophrenia forum again if you need that let me know and I will find it"
it says this
The degree to which atherosclerosis affects heart arteries is related to the presence or absence of calcium.
so I would also work to reduce the plague on the arteries.
Take these
cayenne the hotter the better with raw garlic (must be raw) minimum of 3 cloves a day together reverse plague (also can look at Dick Quinn's book left for dead
also take organic ginger tincture for the reversal of plague in the arteries
Use organic Hawthorne tincture (herbpharm is good or the one at herbdoc) this herb has been tested in medical labs and found to have many heart protecting properties.
a vegan diet mostly raw and not refined foods with cayenne, raw garlic, organic Hawthorne tinctures are essential to making the heart strong since it is at risk..I think the apple cider vinegar is important to do 3 times a day can also rub over area diluted
Be sure to read this nad have on hand both posts in the event of a heart attack, this might save your life. Cary organic cayenne tincture in car with directions and put one in house in handy reach like the directions taped to inside cabinet drawer and the Cayenne tincture inside. Aquaint anyone there what to do in the event o an emergency'
See my post here and the followup one be sure to go the link in the 2nd post I did
here are links to all three
greens, green juices and green smoothies are a good source of organic calcium for vegans.
I think the vinegar and the vegan raw diet are very important as cholesterol is involved in this condition and eating no animal foods will get rid of dietary cholesterol.
It seems that one has atherosclerosis (plague) and this builds up and then excess calcium in the blood layers over that and hardens. this is where veganism is good and also the garlic, cayenne and ginger regimen to reverse it. also a vegan diet helps reverse plague and damage to the the blood vessels (see film forks over knives). I am hopeful the cayenne and raw garlic and ginger can reach the plague under the calcium. I am hoping the vinegar can help dissolve the plague and then the regimen reduces cholesterol, more plague and excess calcium in blood to eliminate future occurrences.
Do not use dairy and other animal products used for calcium as they are too acidic and this leeches the calcium form the bones and into the blood.
Sorry i can't think of more but hope this helps to reverse, then prevent and rebuild the heart and protect it in case of coronary heart disease or heart attack.