Re: wondering how to dissolve calcium deposits on heart valve
Heart niacin Vit-c, mind, one, two punch, niacin and vitamin ‘C’ have more positive effects on heart mind heath than all the drugs put to gather. Big pharma spends billions in false lies and twisted facts on these two nutrients than any other. Why? The druggies know niacin, and ’C’ offers incredible powerful force to protect and heal, heart, mind and body and a direct threat Drug Profits.
When searching the WEB, insert one of three search terms!
‘vitamin c’ or ‘vitamins’ or 'ascorbic acid’ This will reduce some
of the thousands of WEB sites producing the lies, false information and confusion.
The biggest lie of All. 'nutrients from food supplies all the nutrients we need for health and disease protection’ Pure Bullshxt!
Not even, if we ate 24 hours a day! …dez.