You're not supposed to eat any ***SOLIDS*** on the MC or on ***ANY*** liquid fasting for that matter and you did NOT mention the blender thing untill **I** mentioned it and you just pretentded that this is what you had said all along. The digestion of ***ANY*** solids activates the digestive system and requires the production of hydrochloric acid which is counterproductive to the alkilinizing action of the lemon. In addition **ANY** solids require peristaltic action to move the solid/fiber out again being counterprodutive to giving the digestive system a rest. Since the additions of any solids activates digestion this will also keep you hungry again being counterproductive and making fasting even more difficult. Last but not least what you are *STILL* ignoring after being mentioned several times is that the blender pulp thing is only mentioned in the SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR DIABETICS.