There is NO SUCH THING as "mucoid Plaque". Even though all these BS "Health" sites and soccer moms with their INFINITE wisdom from getting their GED after dropping out of grammar school while pregnant may say differently. How about
the colonic ASSOCIATION with COLON DOCTORS. There is a pdf. READ IT. Anyone who has a colonic endoscopy can see plain as day that their colons are pink and healthy, NOTHING "builds up" around the walls of your colon, its a myth that only old women believe. Whats coming out of you is CLAY from the cleanse tablets you are poisoning yourself with. Do you REALLY think you could function with your colon being BLOCKED with a layer of junk around it? YOU WOULD DIE. If feels like theres gunk in there because you're overweight and you want to blame it on something other than you are a gluttonous, fatASS that doesnt exercise enough and you think that you can clean yourself out and get skinny again with a magic pill or diet. NOPE. Only eating right and exercise will cure your fat belly. It's not crap in there its CHEESEBURGERS and FAT. You feel bloated because you ARE bloated. Eat right, drink some coffee and youll be fine. I cant believe in 2013 with the INTERNET at everyones fingertips people still believe this BS. WAKE UP.