Squatting is the easiest, most natural and healthiest position for defecation. (It is also the most natural position for giving birth.)
One reason for the chronic constipation among Western populations is the use of the pedestal (sitting) toilet.
Population groups which traditionally use floor-level toilets, and those who use the great outdoors, do not suffer constipation like Westerners do.
The plumbing of the human anatomy is arranged to work in the squatting position.
When a person squats to defecate, the recto-anal angle at the end of the anal canal straightens out to permit easy evacuation. If a person sits, the sharper recto-anal angle forms a constriction and so pressure is required to force the contents of the bowel though it (see diagram).
Other problems associated with constipation, such as haemorrhoids, prostate inflammation, cystitis, backaches and incontinence, are also avoided or relieved by adoption of the squatting position.
I got all tall toilets in my home a few years ago because they're so much easier getting on and off with bad knees, and since I've been drinking DE water and kefir, I've had the best BMs of my life on them. haha
That picture doesn't make sense. If you want to, you can bend over and hug your knees on any toilet.
I squat right outside the bathroom door, and in that position read a few pages of some book. As soon as the pressure builds up, I hurry to the bathroom to evacuate.
Unfortunately I have a western style toilet. I am from India and I love squatting toilets.
Early in the morning, after cleaning my teeth, I drink 3-4 glasses of lukewarm water. ( I use to add lemon- honey to it) but now I keep it simple. Its just filtered water.
After drinking my water, if I still haven't had the urge to poop, I squat down on the floor and read a few pages of my book. Very soon, the pressure has built us to defecate....Just rush to bathroom and do it. Sometimes my system clears in 2-3 trips to bathroom.
I think squatting really helps and cannot hurt you. Its just a simple exercise which facilitates passage of bowels..
Good that you havent tried enemas. My advice. Stay away from them.
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