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Re: *sigh* there any way i can "exercise" my peristaltic muscles??

Epsom Salt Encapsulated
Hulda Clark Cleanse Kits

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Re: *sigh* there any way i can "exercise" my peristaltic muscles??

thank you sooooo much, everyone... i'm not doing so well - my abdomen is always feeling like there's a boulder inside but i never get a noticeable urge to "go" and/or the act of going, there's no push :( ...i used to eat flax seed (milled) by the cupfull and my body like got used to them (and drank a lot of water, i forgot to mention that) ...i will try the honey/vinegar/garlic ...everything but the enemas - can't do those...

***GENI***, i wanted to ask u since i don't want to post a whole nother post in the Iodine forum about this - i have lots of symptoms that something is wrong with my thyroid and i'm thinking hypOthyroidism ...but i was really jazzed about SSKI , thinking it might help me, but then i started to worry it might be a thyroid SUPPRESSOR and got scared to take it... a lot of health stuff is beyond my comprehension - can you help me understand about SSKI (and iodine, not just iodide) whether they will help or harm me?

*sad sigh* thank you everyone... may the lord bless and keep u~


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