Re: my problem with raw vegan diet
Write a big sign on your wall. It should say:
I will be healthy. I will be happy. I am open to reviewing my actions and diet every week to see if I feel good. If I am not then I will acknowledge the truth and change my actions and diet. If if that means going back to previous ways.
If you post that and follow it then you will be fine. My mistake was that I believed so strongly that raw food would just work for me if I held out another few months. I finally I realized after I met enough sick raw vegans that it may not work. Once I was able to drop this ideal of the magic bullet then I could face the truth of my situation. As long as you are willing to do that then you will be fine.
But I still wouldn't recommend doing it for longer than a month. The body quickly loses its ability to digest cooked food. Ask around, there are many raw foodists who will tell you how difficult it is to digest cooked food now.
So realize that you are making a committment to not be able to digest cooked food as well for a few years.
just know what you are getting into. That is why people like me are here. The more HONEST information you get about anything the better your decision will be. Whether its buying a new house or getting your car fixed. Or changing your diet.